Easy to prepare and super tasty. Our METTÄ Wild Mushroom Sauce makes a perfect topping for a pizza.
Pizza dough (1 large pizza for 3-4 persons)
- 1/2 bag of dry yeast
- 2 dl water
- 4,5–5 dl wheat flour
- 1 tsp salt
- 2 tbsp olive oil
Pizza toppings
- 1 balls of Buffalo mozzarella (for vegan/climate option choose vegan cheese, Jalo-tofu etc.)
- 1 bouquet of fresh asparagus
White sauce
- 100 g crème fraiche (for vegan/climate option choose oat fraiche)
- 1 tbsp lemon juice
- 1 tbsp horseradish paste
- 1 bag METTÄ Wild Mushroom Sauce
- 1 tsp Porcini Salt
To prepare the dough: Mix flour, salt and yeast in a bowl. Warm the water to approx. 42 degrees, pour into a bowl and add the flour mix little by little simultaneously kneading. Add olive oil to the dough halfway through mixing. Knead the dough by hand or in an appliance long enough for the dough to become bouncy, approx. 5–10 minutes. The dough can be left a little loose, but it should still be easy to handle. Flour the dough ball and let it rise under a cloth for couple of hours. If you have time, let the dough rise in the fridge throughout the night. Cut the risen dough in two and bake two thin pizzas.
To prepare white sauce: Mix one bag of Wild Mushroom Sauce with 1.5dl of water. Let sit for 10–15min. Then mix with crème fraiche, lemon juice and horseradish paste.
Spread the white sauce, cheese and fresh asparagus' on top of the pizza bottoms. Bake in over at 250 °C until the bottom gets some colour and the pizza looks delicious. Depending on your oven about 10-15 minutes. Sprinkle some tasty Porcini Salt on top before serving.
Tip! If you don’t have a pizza stone at use, heat up the oven plates in the oven as it warms up. Move the pizzas from the baking paper to the hot oven plates. In this way you will get crispier pizza bottoms.

Valkoinen sienipitsa
Valmista pitsapohja (uunilevyllinen) haluamistasi jauhoista. Täältä löydät pohjan tekoon hyvät ohjeet.
Pizza päälliset
- 1-2 palloa Buffalo mozzarellaa (tai vegaanista vastaavaa, Jalo-tofua etc.)
- 1 nippu tuoretta parsaa
Valkoinen kastike
- 100 g crème fraichea ( tai Oat fraiche tai muu veganainen)
- 1 rl sitruunamehua
- 1 rl piparjuuritahnaa
- 1 pussi METTÄ Wild Mushroom Sauce
- 1 tl Porcini Salt
Sekoita pussin METTÄ Wild Mushroom Sauce pussin sisältö ja lisää sekaan 1,5 dl vettä ja anna liota 10–15min, purista pois ylimääräinen vesi. Valmista valkoinen kastike sekoittamalla sienikastikkeeseen muut kastikkeen ainekset, maista ja mausta tarvittaessa. Kuutioi mozzarella, parsoja ei tarvitse keittää.
Kauli kohonnut pitsapohja uunilevyn päälle. Levitä päälle valkoinen kastike ja asettele sen päälle parsat ja mozzarella. Paista pitsaa uunissa noin 250 asteessa noin 10min tai kunnes juusto on sulanut riittävästi makuusi.
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