White Pizza with Nettle Pesto & Chanterelles
Our Nettle Pesto is a delicious, nutritious and exciting alternative to your traditional pesto. Nettle Pesto is also an excellent topping for a pizza. Just add some of your favourite vegetable oil and a splash of water and prepare just the right amount you need per use case.

Stinging Nettle - The King of Finnish Wild Vegetables
Nettle rightly deserves to be called the most versatile of our wild vegetables. It is Finnish superfood at its best. The new little nettles are eager to lift their heads out of the ground after the winter - now is a good time refresh your mind about the numerous uses of nettle and of its amazing nutritional values.Nettle should be one of the first wild herbs you familiarize yourself with when you start a new wild food hobby. It is perhaps the most versatile and one of the healthiest of our wild vegetables.

We have wrapped the beautiful flavours of our Nordic forests into the new METTÄ flavoured honeys! Finnish pure honey combined with wild blueberry, fresh and bright green spruce sprouts and excitingly bitter rowanberry. Enjoy these naturally flavoured honeys with hot drinks, deserts, smoothies, porridges or however you like to use natural sweeteners. READ MORE & SHOP NOW!
Prepare to let your senses wonder
Inspired by Nordic Forests
METTÄ is a traditional word for forest in Finnish.
For us Finns, the forest is place of rest, a place where we go when we want to ground ourselves in the moment. Throughout history, forests have provided us shelter and food.
Finland is one of the world’s most forest-rich countries with over 80% of our land area covered in forests. Our unique everyman’s right guarantees that everyone is free to wonder and forage in our forests. Finland's nature is the purest and cleanest in the world (See report: Yale University). This is truly the most luxurious source of well-being.
Our forests are home to the world’s purest and tastiest wild and natural foods. This is what we wish to share with you. METTÄ is about the most pure and delicious flavours, authenticity, sustainability and a hint of magic.

Get to know to our Finnish Honey & Forest Flavours